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Mike Kennedy | Railey Realty

Search Real Estate in Deep Creek Lake & Garrett County, Maryland

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Deep Creek Lake

Deep Creek Lake is often called Maryland’s ‘Best Kept Secret.’ The sparkling, cool blue waters of the lake have been used as a recreational escape since 1925. In the summer months, the lake is the perfect escape from the summer heat. Boating is a very popular activity on the water, with tubing, wake-boarding, wake-surfing, and water-skiing being some of the most popular boat activities. Many restaurants also offer docks so that patrons can stop by and grab something to eat! The lake is also perfect for kayaking, canoeing, and stand-up paddle boarding. 

Even during the cooler months of the spring and fall seasons, you’ll always find people out on the water, enjoying the lake life. Spring is a great time for fishing and kayaking, as there are less boats out, and you can enjoy smooth, calm waters. During the winter months, the lake typically freezes solid, offering a whole new adventure. Ice fisherman dot the frozen tundra of the lake, with small tents set up to keep them warm while they wait for their traps to snap. Snowmobilers also enjoy the frozen lake, enjoying the wide open landscape for winter fun. 

The lake itself is the largest freshwater lake in the state of Maryland. The lake is 13 miles long from the top to the bottom, with dozens of coves throughout. The lake is fed by several neighboring streams and tributaries, including Deep Creek and Cherry Creek. The water level is controlled by the dam, which feeds water into rivers used for white-water rafting in the fall. The lake has 65+ miles of shoreline! Deep Creek Lake is owned by the State of Maryland – who purchased it from the Pennsylvania Electric Company (Pennelc). The state has a conservation easement on the buffer strip, which is a strip of land that surrounds the entire lake. The easement has strict rules about tree cutting and modifications to the land, to help protect the natural beauty of the lake.